Paul Gumbinner


Paul S. Gumbinner

Paul Spent 20 years in advertising. He is one of the few recruiters who has run an
advertising agency. His advertising credentials include experience in virtually every
category of products and services – package goods, cosmetics, broadcasting, financial
services, publishing, retail, travel and leisure, fast food and business-to-business.

Paul has written about advertising and advertising related personnel matters and has
been published in the key advertising industry trade publications – Advertising Age and
AdWeek. Links to his popular Ad Age column are above. Paul has been quoted in
many general publications as well – Forbes, Fortune, Newsweek, to name a few.

Paul’s blog about advertising, View from Madison Avenue is read by hundreds of
advertising executives each week. This popular commentary and common sense
advice is sought after by candidates and clients alike. He also loves to tell funny
stories. This is the link to his blog “ View From Madison Avenue ”.

Paul is one of the only advertising recruiters to be listed in Who’s Who in Advertising,
Who’s Who in the East, Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in Media and

As a member of the American Advertising Federation’s Speakers Bureau, Paul is a
popular guest lecturer and speaks about advertising and recruiting throughout the
United States.